Bodhicitta, a combination of Sanskrit words that mean “mind of enlightenment” or “awakening mind.” From a Buddhist perspective, bodhicitta is a state of mind that ventures towards compassion and empathy for all beings.
“It is absolutely essential for us to have loving kindness towards others... Loving kindness is the essence [and] attitude of the bodhisattva... There can be no philosophical, scientific or psychological disagreement with this. With bodhicitta, there's no East-West conflict... Without bodhicitta, nothing works.”

Photo courtesy of Lisa Ly
Compassion is what truly brings humanity to life. It lives beyond us, beginning in our inner-self and extending out to be received by others. Our connections to one another and to other beings is what makes every individual unique. I believe that every person should make decisions based on compassion toward their self and others.

I believe that whether we believe in heaven, reincarnation, or a different afterlife, we all have the power to feel inner peace through compassion. When we care for the mental and physical well-being of others, we accomplish our purpose in life: helping mankind.

One can be equipped with empathy and compassion without religion. If one lives a life with compassion while eradicating any negative thoughts or actions, they can find happiness. I believe the purpose of life is to die a gracious death and become enlightened so one no longer must be reborn.

Compassion is a complex topic that everyone knows something about, but no one fully understands. At the core of compassion is the desire to help others. I believe this desire is within all of us. Compassion connects all life on Earth; it is shared tears, harmonious laughs, and social connections.